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Looking for a good financial literacy podcast? Lili’s got one for you!

Add The Fiscal Firecrackers to your podcast playlist and listen to your money grow.

At Lili, we’re all about helping you manage your money better. We want to make it easier; we want to make it more fun and above all, we want to make conversations around money more approachable and actionable. So when we came across the recently-launched “Fiscal Firecrackers” podcast, we immediately wanted to a) partner with them and b) spread the word to our community.

Co-Hosted by Galia Gichon, an independent financial advisor specializing in freelancers and small businesses with more than 20 years of experience in Wall Street and the financial space, and Susan Yeagley, a renowned comedic actress whom you’ll recognize (if you listen carefully!) from her roles in “Parks & Recreation,” “Friends” and much, much more. Executive produced by Jill Leiderman – a late night TV comedy veteran who has worked alongside Jon Stewart, David Letterman and Jimmy Kimmel, “The Fiscal Firecrackers” is a podcast that strikes the perfect balance of laughing and learning.

Whether you’re on the train or the treadmill, in your car or preparing dinner, each episode will teach you in just 30 minutes all the tips and tricks you need to know about how to conquer every aspect of your financial life – you know what they are: investing, retirement, taxes, negotiating your rates… You’ll also hear many funny – and sometimes a bit embarrassing – personal anecdotes from your hosts and their guests. No judgment here, everyone learns hard lessons the hard way, especially when it comes to money and entrepreneurship, and we’re thankful for these stories so we can avoid making the same mistakes.

The Fiscal Firecrackers is available wherever you get your podcast. The first episode: Investing for Everyone is out now, and we promise you, you’ll walk away with some very specific next steps you’ll need to start playing the stock market.

Episode 2, Keeping Up With Yourself, was released on March 10th and Taxes are Sexy is coming up next on March 25th.

Lili - Banking for Your Business

Written by

Matthew Davis is a staff writer at Lili.